
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Full Moon in Aquarius August 1, 2012

Full  Moon in Aquarius August 1, 2012

Step into your own revolution and have faith in your journey

“I thought about the way moonlight enfolds the world in a unifying glow.  While we’re down here beating the hell out of each other, the old moon hangs there knowing and silent, bathing us all in the same cool light.”
Elle Newmark, The Sandalwood Tree, p. 35

These are fine words for a full moon in Aquarius, the ruler of the brotherhood/sisterhood of humanity.  Uranus, planet of revolution and liberation, rules Aquarius.  Blood is usually shed in the act of liberating humans from tyranny and stagnation.  During the act of revolting there may be no clear idea of what is on the other side of revolution’s wall, but the urge to revolt and break free seems to be hard wired in our cellular program.  Many of us are trying to break free in our own personal lives.  We do not have to be living in Syria to struggle with inner demons and the need to liberate our body, minds, and souls.  The full moon gives us opportunity to tune in and realize what we are doing with our lives.  Examine the past and discard worn out beliefs and behaviors. Step into your own revolution and have faith in your journey.

Accentuate the Positive/Eliminate the Negative

This full moon occurs late on August 1st and into the early morning hours of August 2nd.  Pluto sits in a challenging position with Mars and Uranus.  The struggle to evolve is pushing us along. Many people are going through extreme challenges.  Some people are angry as hell.  In spite of the stresses though, this full moon period is filled with grace and opportunity. This week is perfect for the Olympics because a Pluto/Mars/Uranus aspect gives high drive to athletes and the trine and sextile aspects give many participants the ease to enter the zone and win the prize. We will witness some spectacular achievements.  There are big grand trines to help us articulate what we need and want.  This is a relational full moon!  Grand trines are in the air signs and this means lots of communication:  Moon in Aquarius; Venus and Jupiter in Gemini; Mars and Saturn in Libra.  The week is special for many reasons and here are some of them:

·      Communicate with your partner, your family members and your friends. Generous energy abounds for sharing, spreading good will and for meeting up with kindred spirits.  Are you ready to partner up with a kindred soul?  Tell your friends. Socialize. Check out on-line dating. A grand trine in air is perfect for electronic mating!
·      Explore all your opportunities to grow and expand your world.  Get excited about your future and the many possibilities in your life basket.  These are days of inspiration.  Be ready to do what it takes to realize your potential.
·      Relax and enjoy the journey.  In spite of all challenges and in spite of the gravity of this millennium, try to relax and enjoy the journey.  Sometimes it is good to remember that the process, not the product, is what truly matters. Of course we want a beautiful product, but there is no way to have that beauty without fully engaging in the process.

Meditate on this!

 “During a silent hour, a man receives a new inspiration which may change his life.”  Dane Rudhyar,  An Astrological Mandala.   This is the Sabian symbol of the degree of the Aquarius full moon.  Meditate on that! 

Linda Sprague

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