
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, November 28, 2012

November Astro Tips continued

Lunar Eclipse November 28, 2012
Full Moon in Gemini

Eclipse in Gemini hides communication and I’m not happy about that.

I hope your eclipse party is more fun than mine.  The full moon in the sign of Gemini is joined by planet Jupiter.  What Jupiter touches gets bigger.  Jupiter with the Moon means bigger emotional responses.  When I could not access my email this morning (the day before the eclipse) I thought I might cry.  How would I write my astro tips about the Lunar Eclipse and send them out? The Moon in Gemini most definitely is one’s attachment to communication and email. I knew I was in for a very bad day.  Eclipses are associated with hidden matters.  Here I had a situation that was certainly hidden from me.  Turned out it was hidden from the computer tech who came to help.  No matter what he did, he got the same result.  No connection to pull in those emails.  Finally it was time to consult the experts: those faceless ones at AT&T who know everything. Unfortunately they did not know anything.  When they couldn’t solve the problem, they just said, oh well, you have a software problem you need to fix.  By the time they figured out they couldn’t help,  I had lost all the emails in my In-box and the connection on my iPhone.  Now I had zero email.  Hyperventilation. NO IPHONE?  NO EMAIL?

I forgot to tell you that this Full Moon/Jupiter is sitting right on planet Uranus in my chart.  What does Uranus rule?  technology, computers, the Internet, unexpected happenings out of one’s control, rebellion, awakenings.  I was born with Uranus in my 6th house, the house of work, service, and health.  I need a fair amount of Uranian freedom/independence in my work day in order to do Uranus work: astrology!  The eclipse today told me to wake up and learn more about computers!! I can no longer count on AT&T/Yahoo to help me.  I digress.

When AT&T said it was a software problem, my computer tech friend said, “this is beyond my skill set I’m afraid.”  Bless him. I would have wanted to get away from me as well. Uranian electricity was getting stuck everywhere in my body and that’s not good. It gives a person back aches and makes a person mean like a snake.  So I wrapped up my injured mac pro and headed for the Apple Store where I waited two hours for the next available agent.  By now I felt certain that the problem would be solved.  The geniuses would know what to do.

Uranus rules the genius gene.  Remember the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini is highlighting information, communication and (in my case) technology, computers and the genius element.  Sure enough a nice Apple genius geek reconnected my email service on both my phone and my mail software in about 5 minutes. There was nothing wrong with my mail software and he restored my inbox.  The Apple man also told me what to do if this happens again. I wrote it down.  More importantly I learned to not call AT&T.  If I cannot solve the problem in a timely manner, I should be smart and head for the Apple Store.  This is the right emotional response. 

What happened to you during the Gemini Lunar Eclipse? 

The Moon rules our emotional responses.  Write your own story or tell a friend about what happened to you during this eclipse week.  What happened and how did you feel about it?  How did you respond?  Were you changed by the events of this week? As you experience this eclipse, pay attention to your body and your feelings.  The Gemini Moon rules the shoulders, arms and hands.  Mine are pretty tense from my computer/connection ordeal.  Gemini is an air sign so we tend to try to think our way through the emotional experience instead of expressing it directly.  Gemini says, get more information and you can solve your problem.  That may be true to some extent but it is also good to check in with our intuition, our higher mind and our gut feelings. 

Pathetic Confession

What kind of astrologer am I?  I looked at my tech friend’s chart and what did I see?  This eclipse is right on two of his Gemini planets, including his Sun.  Another lesson.  Look at the clues.   I would call this eclipse a true learning experience for me.  Moon is the emotional mind and Jupiter is the expansive mind. Both were sitting on my genius planet, Uranus, to help me wake up and be a better astrologer and get some techno savvy! The day was not a complete ruinous mess, however, thanks to this Gemini tech friend, Tim Wardell.

A hidden problem is exposed and resolved

A serious hidden matter has plagued me for several months.  My blog provider changed its platform leaving me blog-less.  They had my money but I had no blog.  It took computer genius Tim to resolve this matter.  He was subjected to my bad eclipse energy but still managed to give my blog back to me and then he even gave it a beautiful overhaul.  Have a look and let me know what you think about the blog’s new look:

This Eclipse is about YOU: step out of your box and look at life differently.

Somewhere in your natal chart the sign of Gemini is being activated by this eclipse.  The Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Gemini (information) opposes the Sun in Sagittarius (synthesis).  You may get stuck in the Gemini “give me more information” mode and forget to synthesize (go to the Apple Store where they synthesize for you!).   In other words, this eclipse demands that we step out of the box and look at things differently.  At the same time the Moon/Jupiter union is making very tough connections with Venus and Saturn and Mars and Pluto.  One astrologer called this  particular YOD configuration something like a hand grenade.  It is potentially explosive.  If you have the ability to do some intense physical work or work-out, you will be able to drain some of the explosiveness out of your energy field.  Dancing could be an excellent outlet for the explosive vibes of this eclipse.  Venus/Saturn wants to feel safe and secure but the Lunar Eclipse does not feel settled at all.  On the other hand, Venus/Saturn can contain the eclipse energy.  Emotions are up for grabs.  Mars/Pluto is highly energetic and possibly volatile.  People could get very mad during this eclipse period.  In other words, we want things to flow but everything feels unsettled, unpredictable and irritating.  Keeping busy might help and staying out of other people’s business will prevent emotional upsets.

What to DO?   Use your imagination

Don’t forget to breathe into your shoulders and arms and hands.  Pull that life force in through your fingertips!  Ask for guidance on any issue that is upsetting or strange.  Pay attention to weird thoughts.  Don’t buy into everything your mind is suggesting.  Make note of it but don’t act on it. Try to be patient with yourself and with others.  Planet Neptune is sitting in between the Sun and Moon.  Some people will feel very confused and upset.  Some people will find new avenues of creative expression during this eclipse.  Some people will have outstanding meditative experiences.  Some people will expend tons of energy on important projects.  Some people will want to drink and/or do drugs to escape the vibrations of this eclipse period.  We want to understand and make sense of vibrations that seem untouchable.  To touch this energy directly feels dangerous. 

Even though they are involved in the volatile YOD formation, Venus and Saturn are singing a nice duet to Neptune (planet of the sublime).  If we can tune in to this part of the eclipse equation, we may find ourselves on a beautiful creative path that leads to gratifying tangible results.  Use your imagination.

Be good to yourself and to others.  Try to avoid being sharp and short with people.  Most people are feeling excitable, nervous, confused and tired.   Send some positive rays of energy out to help others feel calm while we ride these strange and somewhat violent currents. I’m going to pretend I am out galloping on a horse somewhere on the mesas…. riding with the Gemini wind.

P S:  Planet Mercury left its retrograde phase Monday afternoon (November 26).  It took a direct station at 18 degrees of Scorpio.  There are still 13 days to use the Scorpio Mercury for solving mysteries!

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